Opuntia (ō-pŭn′shē-ə) is the genus name of the Prickly Pear Cactus, a source of food, water, medicine and protection. Thriving in the harshest of environments, Prickly Pears have come to symbolize adaptability, endurance, determination, growth, and health.  Opuntia Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork is passionate about helping your body heal itself.

Mine is a holistic, integrative approach. My goal is to help you find your Mind-Body-Spirit Balance, or Homeostasis, to achieve relief from generalized stress and tension, as well as chronic muscular and connective tissue pain. Touch is our first language & is naturally healing to us. The body can tell us what it needs-we can hear intuitively through touch. I’ll “listen” to what your body is telling me and tailor an adaptive massage of various modalities for you.  Lighter touch is a wonderful way to relax and reprogram the nervous system, allowing the body to be receptive to balance (homeostasis) and healing. Lighter touch also helps move fluid congestion in the tissues. This congestion can cause inflammation which can cause pain. When it comes to massage, I like to work within an area I call “tolerable tender” to achieve results. I do not believe in “No pain, no gain; dig in ’til it hurts”.  As my client, you need to be proactive, empowered, and committed to your growth and forward momentum in healing—not a passive audience member. This is a collaborative effort. Featuring Swedish Massage, Integrative Reflexology, Cupping, Lymphatic Support Massage, CDT-Manual Lymph Drainage.